Farmer Blue Granny Square Afghan
Red Heart yarn in colors of Navy Blue, Teal, Metalic White, and Cream/Off White
Crochet Hook size US I
Yarn needle.
Motifs are 7 x 10.
Using color navy blue
CH 4, join
Rnd 1: CH 3, 2DC, *CH 2, 3DC* repeat * 3 times, ch2 slip into top of the ch 3. (4 sets of DC), slip st to CH2 sp.
Rnd 2: (CH 3, 2DC, CH 2, 3DC) in same CH2 sp, * CH 1, (3 DC, CH2, 3DC) in next ch2 sp *, repeat * 3 times, CH1, slip in top of the 3ch, fasten off. Slip tail in next 2 dc sts.
Rnd 3: Join Metalic White in the 2 CH space corner of where tail is at with tail inside the join using a sl st method. CH 3, 2 DC into the same CH2 sp with the tails inside the bottom of each dc, Drop the tails, CH2, 3DC in same CH2 sp. * (CH1, 3DC in next CH1 sp) twice, CH1 3DC CH2 3DC in next 2CH sp* repeat 3 times. Fasten off color just like row 2.
Rnd 4: Joining is the same as the 3rd row using Navy Blue color. Now seeing your square, corners get 3DC CH2 3DC, in the row CH1, 3DC CH1, all the way around.
Make all motifs first before making the joining round.
Joining Round: Color Teal.
Joining motifs are a bit trickier. Row 1: The first motif for round 5 is the same as all other previous rnds. The 2nd motif you use only one side to join as follows: Join yarn, CH3, 2DC Ch 2 3 DC in same corner space, (CH1 3DC) repeat across. Then when at the corner, CH1, 3DC, then CH1, SL stitch with 2CH sp corner of joining motif with right sides together, CH1, 3DC. Now with the sides facing each other, instead of making a CH1, do a sl into the CH1 sp of the motif to attach. Then 3 DC in the next ch1 sp, repeat going across. Then at the next corner, do the same as the previous corner. Then work the rest of the motif as previous rounds. Repeat this to the next motifs till you have 7 motifs joined in your row.
Follow this procedure throughout the rest of the rows:
Row 2 1st motif: Now that you have your first row together and completed, now row 2 works off of that 1st row where you have to make the 2nd row and join with the 1st row. 1st motif of the second row is simular. Work one side to begin, then when you get to the corner, 3DC, CH1, SL into 2CH sp on corner of first ch2 sp of previous row 1st motif, then CH1, 3DC. Then instead of making a CH1, sl into CH1 sp on attaching row CH1 sp, 3 DC in CH1 sp, then continue till you reach the corner. Now this is trickier. Do your 3DC in the CH2 spc, then CH1, SL into the CH2 spc of the 2nd Motif, not the one above the work, then CH1, 3 DC, then continue to work around the motif.
Row 2 2nd motif: Now this motif has to join with the motif on the same row that you are creating and the existing row above using 2 sides of your motif. You first start your work doing one side as normal, then use the next side as the joing to the motif on the row you are creating, same procedure as row 1, then when at the corner instead of using the 2CH SP directly above and directly across, you use the one of the crisscross as it follows: 3 DC, CH1, SL into the CH2 sp crisscross from your work, CH 1, 3 DC, then work the row above your motif joining like above all the way across just like the fist motif on the 2nd row. Then complete the motif as you normally do.
Once you get into the hang of making your rows, you will find it to be very simple.
Then when you have all your rows attached. Now the border. You slip a stitch into the corner of your project. Then CH 5, sc in the same CH2 space, CH 5, sc in the next ch1 sp, and repeat around. Every CH 2 sp gets to CH 5 and SC, and every 1 CH sp gets only 1.
Then in each of the CH5 spc gets SC, 1 HDC, 2 DC, 1 HDC, then 1 SC around. Then your project is complete. Bind in all your tails, trim, and it is complete.
Have fun completing your project!